Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rozy's Birthday Month Continued..We're still in April folks!!

I received the BEST care package ever! I have been spoiled by my in-laws...Conrad, Arlene, Sarah and Noel..I got a spring jacket, a sweater, a scarf, some pullovers, a Nine West purse --- I am now officially the most fashionable person in Nunavut thank you very much!!


These items are very expensive in the North and are needed to survive ..especially the chocolate :) There is nothing like family that knows what you need --- a big THANK YOU!

Rozy's Birthday Month! From Scott with Love...

I was totally spoiled this year (just like every year :) Scott got me gorgeous mitts made by a local artist out of seal skin..check em out:

AND he got me the most delicate earrings made of ivory, either from the walrus tusk or narwhal tusk....: